Anton V. Gorbachev, Ph.D.
Co-Director of CTL CRO Laboratory
Personal Statement Immune monitoring allows to test the efficacy of new therapies and vaccines by evaluating the immune response of each individual patient/participant during the course of the treatment. Being a global leader of immune monitoring, CTL uses the most advanced approaches to test a wide variety of immune biomarkers such as cytokines, chemokines, cytolytic molecules and antibodies involved in the ensuing immune response. As a member of CTL CRO Management Team, my role is to ensure excellent work performance by the CRO laboratory to meet the high standards set by CTL.
- M.S. Cell Biology/Microbiology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 1991
- Ph.D. Biology, Oncology Research Center and Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 1995

Professional Experience/Training:
- 11/2017-present: Co-Director, Contract Laboratory (CRO), Cellular Technology Limited, Cleveland, OH, overseeing immune monitoring by ELISPOT, ELISA and flow cytometry assays.
- 08/2016-02/2017: Medical Science Liaison, Osiris Therapeutics, Columbia, MD. Educating health professionals in the field of advanced wound care products (placental tissue-based).
- 10/2014-07/2016: Research Associate Staff, R&D lab, Cleveland Cord Blood Center, Cleveland, OH. Development of umbilical cord blood stem cell-based therapies for a broad spectrum of clinical indications (wound healing, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases).
- 2009-2014: Project Staff (Instructor), Dept. of Immunology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH. Development and testing novel therapeutic approach based on inducing constitutive expression of CXCL9/Mig chemokine in cutaneous tumors.
- 2006-2009: Scientist, Cleveland Biolabs Inc., Cleveland, OH. Testing the therapeutic efficacy of novel anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory compounds in murine models of cancer and contact skin allergy.
- 2002-2006: Research Associate, Dept. of Immunology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH. Mechanisms of T cell-mediated immune responses to contact allergens and cutaneous tumors.
- 1998-2002: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Immunology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH Mechanisms of T cell-mediated immune responses in the skin.
- 1996-1998: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Microbiology, New York Medical College, New York, NY. Development of anti-idiotypic antibodies for the therapy of melanoma.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Engeman, TM, Gorbachev, AV, Gladue, RP, Fairchild, RL. Inhibition of functional T cell priming and contact hypersensitivity responses by treatment with anti-secondary lymphoid chemokine antibody during hapten sensitization. J. Immunol., 2000, 164: 5207-5214.
- Gorbachev, AV, Heeger, PS, Fairchild, RL. CD4+ and CD8+ T cell priming for contact hypersensitivity occurs independently of CD40-CD154 interactions. J. Immunol., 2001, 166: 2323-2332.
- Gorbachev, AV, DiIulio, NA, Fairchild, RL. IL-12 augments CD8+ T cell development for contact hypersensitivity responses and circumvents anti-CD154 antibody-mediated inhibition. J. Immunol., 2001, 167, 156-164.
- Gorbachev, AV and Fairchild, RL. Induction and regulation of T cell priming for contact hypersensitivity. Critical Rev. Immunol., 2002, 21: 451-472.
- Gorbachev, AV and Fairchild, RL. Regulatory role of CD4+ T cells during the development of contact hypersensitivity responses. Immunol. Research, 2001, 24(1): 69-77.
- Gorbachev, AV and Fairchild, RL. CD4+ T cells regulate CD8+ T cell-mediated cutaneous immune responses by restricting effector T cell development through a FasL–dependent mechanism. J. Immunol., 2004, 172: 2286-2295.
- Gorbachev, AV and Fairchild, RL. CD40 engagement enhances antigen-presenting Langerhans cell priming of IFN-g producing CD4+ and CD8+ T cells independently of IL-12. J. Immunol. 2004, 173(4): 2443-2452.
- Kish DD, Gorbachev AV, and Fairchild RL. Role of IL-2 in the regulation of effector CD8+ T cell priming for contact hypersensitivity response. J. Leukoc. Biol., 2005, 78: 725-735.
- Kish DD, Gorbachev AV, Fairchild RL. CD8+ T cells produce IL-2, which is required for CD(4+)CD25+ T cell regulation of effector CD8+ T cell development for contact hypersensitivity responses. J Leukoc Biol. 2005 Sep;78(3):725-35.
- Schenk S, Kish DD, He C, El-Sawy T, Chiffoleau E, Chen C, Wu Z, Sandner S, Gorbachev AV, Fukamachi K, Heeger PS, Sayegh MH, Turka LA, Fairchild RL. Alloreactive T cell responses and acute rejection of single class II MHC-disparate heart allografts are under strict regulation by CD4+CD25+ T cells. J. Immunol. 2005, 174:3741.
- Gorbachev AV and Fairchild RL. Activated NKT cells increase dendritic cell migration and enhance CD8+ T cell responses in the skin. Eur. J. Immunol., 2006, 36: 2494-2503.
- Kish DD, Gorbachev AV, Fairchild RL. Regulatory functions of CD4+CD25+ T cells from class II MHC-deficient mice in contact sensitivity responses. J. Leukocyte Biol. 2007, 82:85-92.
- Gorbachev AV, Kobayashi H, Kudo D, Tannenbaum CS, Finke JH, Shu S, Farber JM, Fairchild RL. CXC chemokine ligand 9/monokine induced by IFN-gamma production by tumor cells is critical for T cell-mediated suppression of cutaneous tumors. J. Immunol. 2007 Feb 15;178(4):2278-86.
- Gorbachev AV, Gasparian AV, Gurova KV, Gudkov AV, and Fairchild RL. Quinacrine inhibits the epidermal dendritic cell migration initiating T cell-mediated skin inflammation. Eur J Immunol. 2007 Aug;37(8):2257-67.
- Neznanov N, Gorbachev AV, Neznanova L, Komarov AP, Gurova KV, Gasparian AV, Banerjee AK, Almasan A, Fairchild RL, Gudkov AV. Anti-malaria drug blocks proteotoxic stress response: anti-cancer implications. Cell Cycle, 2009, 8:3960-3970.
- Gorbachev AV, Fairchild RL. CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells utilize FasL as a mechanism to restrict DC priming functions in cutaneous immune responses. Eur. J. Immunol. 2010, 40 (7): 2006-2015.
- Kish DD, Gorbachev AV, Fairchild RL. IL-1 Receptor Signaling Is Required at Multiple Stages of Sensitization and Elicitation of the Contact Hypersensitivity Response. J Immunol. 2012, 188(4): 1761-71.
- Kish DD, Gorbachev AV, Parameswaran N, Gupta N, Fairchild RL. Neutrophil expression of FasL and perforin directs effector CD8 T cell infiltration into antigen-challenged skin. J Immunol. 2012. 189(5): 2191-2202.
- Petro M, Kish DD, Guryanova OA, Ilyinskaya G, Kondratova A, Fairchild RL and Gorbachev AV. Cutaneous Tumors Cease CXCL9/Mig Production as a Result of IFN-gamma-Mediated Immunoediting. J. Immunol. 2013. 190(2): 832-841.
- Gorbachev AV, Fairchild RL. Regulation of Chemokine Expression in the Tumor Microenvironment. Critical Reviews in Immunology, 2014, 34(2): 103-120.
- Traitanon O, Gorbachev A, et al. IL-15 Induces Alloreactive CD28- Memory CD8 T Cell Proliferation and CTLA4-Ig Resistant Memory CD8 T Cell Activation. Am. J. Transplant. 2014, 14(6): 1277-1289.