Customer Support

We take our Customer Support seriously

Customer Testimonials

CTL’s Customer Support Team

Call our Customer Support at 1-888-791-4005

  • Fast response time: many problems can be resolved remotely within 24 hours.
  • Dedicated Support Staff with skilled and trained technicians
  • Talk to a Human Representative during business hours
  • Onsite repairs within days
  • We provide hardware/software support
  • We provide remote and onsite training
  • We provide assay/kit support
  • Your instrument can do more than you think. Inquire about your image analysis needs.

CTL Remote Help/QuickSupport

  • Please click the following link to download the CTL Support module to your computer:
    CTL Teamviewer QuickSupport Remote Help
  • Once the download has finished, execute the file. If asked for elevated permissions, please allow so.
  • The software will open a small window, presenting you with an ID number and a randomly generated password.
  • Provide this ID and password to the technician/scientist you are in contact with at CTL (either by phone or email).
  • CTL's support technician or scientist will then be able to connect remotely to your analyzer/computer for support.
  • Once remote support has finished and you no longer need our assistance, close the CTL QuickSupport program to secure your computer.

CTL Meeting/Presentation

  • Please click the following link to download the CTL Meeting software to join the meeting:
    CTL Teamviewer QuickMeeting
  • Once the download has finished, execute the file. If asked for elevated permissions, please allow so.
  • The software will open a small window, presenting you with an opportunity to enter your name and your meeting ID (which will be provided to you by CTL's Presenter).
  • Once you've joined the meeting room, the meeting will start at the scheduled time or once all attendees have successfully joined.