Monocyte Activation Test Solutions

In vitro pyrogen testing for parenteral drugs and medical devices


Cellular Technology Limited’s Monocyte Activation Test offers a comprehensive alternative to the antiquated Rabbit Pyrogen Test and the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay.

With the introduction of the Monocyte Activation Test chapter 2.6.30 in the European Pharmacopeia, CTL-MAT combines CTL’s background in immune monitoring to support the global adaption of the Monocyte Activation Test.

Cellular Technology Limited is the pioneer and industry leader in the development, use and manufacturing of standardized tools for cellular immune assays. CTL’s founding scientists were the first to introduce protocols for functionality loss-free cryopreservation of PBMC in ELISPOT. For over 25 years, CTL has been a leading provider of cryopreserved PBMC and cytokine detection kits.